James Manning
James Manning

Has the Pope finally completely lost the plot? He cannot carry on governing the Church like this

@Louis IX - No. He's a peronist. Don't listen to his words, but watch his actions.
James Manning

“Autism was one in 10,000 when I was a kid. It’s now one in 36.” The rise in autism “appears to be …

@Ann Smith My argument was that autism which likely existed relatively unnoticed in previous times has become particular aggravated because of the rise of our hyper-stimulated post-industrial world.
Your posts (which qualify more as begging the question, not an actual argument) seem to be aimed at a claim that the government/pharmaceutical industry are trustworthy.
Notice how those don't relate to …More
@Ann Smith My argument was that autism which likely existed relatively unnoticed in previous times has become particular aggravated because of the rise of our hyper-stimulated post-industrial world.

Your posts (which qualify more as begging the question, not an actual argument) seem to be aimed at a claim that the government/pharmaceutical industry are trustworthy.

Notice how those don't relate to one another. Apples to oranges, and whatnot.

Before flying off the handle, please make sure you understand what someone is stating.
James Manning

Leader of the Charismatic ‘Renewal’ teaching people to ‘speak in tongues’ and telling them to practice …

I remember seeing something like this in a documentary about the charismatic movements. The woman "pastor" stated that she just made her glossolalia up and encouraged others to as a sort of "practice" for the real thing.
James Manning

Bishop Provokes with Transvestite-"Hermit"

So, on the one hand, anchoresses were a thing. I think the one best known to most of us would be Julian of Norwich. So it's not entirely crazy for a woman to live a eremitic life. I think "consecrated virgin" is the new canonical status for such a woman. He could have just gone with that.
But he had to confirm her in her sickness. It's disastrous and so sad when a bishop fails his flock so …More
So, on the one hand, anchoresses were a thing. I think the one best known to most of us would be Julian of Norwich. So it's not entirely crazy for a woman to live a eremitic life. I think "consecrated virgin" is the new canonical status for such a woman. He could have just gone with that.

But he had to confirm her in her sickness. It's disastrous and so sad when a bishop fails his flock so catastrophically.
James Manning

Liberal women spend $4,000 to bash sticks on the ground and scream at a ‘Rage Ritual Retreat.’ The …

I like your hot take, but I think its worse than that. Men are also subject to a spirit of effeminacy, the fear or unwillingness to suffer.
James Manning

“Autism was one in 10,000 when I was a kid. It’s now one in 36.” The rise in autism “appears to be …

My hot take is that it doesn't have anything to do with vaccines.
I'm going to guess that most of the newer diagnoses are, like me, considered "high functioning" or level 1. In the past, our idiosyncrasies probably wouldn't have gone beyond a quirk, but modern society's constant bombarding us with stimulation really messes up a brain. It's overwhelming. And the hurried pace of life just makes it …More
My hot take is that it doesn't have anything to do with vaccines.

I'm going to guess that most of the newer diagnoses are, like me, considered "high functioning" or level 1. In the past, our idiosyncrasies probably wouldn't have gone beyond a quirk, but modern society's constant bombarding us with stimulation really messes up a brain. It's overwhelming. And the hurried pace of life just makes it harder to make necessary adjustments.

Also, I think that pre-industrial societies were better at managing said idiosyncrasies (with the sole exception of math savants. They can find a nice home in the sciences). You like lots of quiet and reflection and a solid routine? Maybe you should be a Trappist. Your brain sees all these systems that most people take for granted? Let's make you a philosopher or theologian.

In my own experience, the problems my autism caused were worst when I lived in New York City. They have been the least when I am either in nature or prayer, to the point where I don't need medication to help steady my emotions or sleep.
James Manning

Francis: "No" There Will Be No Deaconesses in the Church

We're definitely getting "deaconesses" then.
James Manning

Pope Francis gives prisoners silent blessing ‘so everyone receives it from God in the way they believe …

We get it. You're the False Prophet. Can we just speed this whole Armageddon thing up, please? I'm getting impatient.
James Manning

Norms for proceeding in the Discernment of alleged Supernatural Phenomena (17 May 2024)

Or La Salette (even the non-controversial version), Akita, OLO Good Success... take your pick.
James Manning

Canada’s intelligence agency classifies opponents of LGBT gender ideology as a ‘violent threat’ - …

@Sean Johnson If you believe that, I've got some swampland in Florida to sell you.
James Manning

‘Satanic, Evil’: King Charles Unveils Hellish Self-Portrait

"Oh man, I messed this up. It looks like he's coming out of Hell's womb. Way too dark... Know what would lighten the mood? A butterfly."
James Manning

Common Reasons for Not Being a Saint - Marian Friars Minor

Good timing. My copy published by Angelus Press just went missing.
James Manning

Elderly Belgian Woman Wants to Become 'Deacon', Sues Church

Maybe I should sue Big Sugar because I don't have six pack abs.
James Manning

The Father of Russian Philosophy Died a Catholic

I am a fan of those other two works (and all of the Brothers Karamazov, really). Thanks for the info.
James Manning

Is Serbia sliding towards authoritarianism or closer to EU membership?

I've got $20 on Serbia somehow sparking a full blown WWIII.
James Manning

Civilize It: Unifying a Divided Church

It really strikes me as an attempt to stem the bleeding. I became a neo-Catholic when I was a teenager. In college I studied theology and Church history and began to realize that something was very off about how things were going and grew more and more "conservative" (orthodox). My orthodoxy grew as I became more serious about my faith, especially after I underwent Marian consecration (de Montfort's …More
It really strikes me as an attempt to stem the bleeding. I became a neo-Catholic when I was a teenager. In college I studied theology and Church history and began to realize that something was very off about how things were going and grew more and more "conservative" (orthodox). My orthodoxy grew as I became more serious about my faith, especially after I underwent Marian consecration (de Montfort's formula) and became an RCIA catechist. That was when I started to really pay attention to traditionalist arguments. It took the COVID lockdowns and the discovery that the SSPX weren't a bunch of whack jobs to finally push me over the line into traditionalism.

More and more orthodox-leaning neo-Catholics are coming to the same conclusion I did, probably even faster than I did, since it took me about 20 years to get to this point. I think that's freaking out the American hierarchy.
James Manning

The Father of Russian Philosophy Died a Catholic

I'm not familiar with his works, but I've seen him pumped up by various popular traditionalist blogs. Is he worth checking out?
James Manning

Chicago Priest: Sorry For "Choice of Words" in Homosexual "Blessing"

Apparently Fr. Joseph "regrets" his actions here. But would he regret his sacrilege if the video of the event never went online?