Defeating the Accuser Scripture speaks of the "accuser," the devil, who accuses us "day and night." How do we defeat his constant lies? Join the Countdown team as they share insights on winning the …More
Defeating the Accuser
Scripture speaks of the "accuser," the devil, who accuses us "day and night." How do we defeat his constant lies? Join the Countdown team as they share insights on winning the battle over the mind...
Don't miss out! Divine Mercy Sunday Promises for Your Soul, perhaps God’s greatest gift of our time. Read about them here and share this article with as many people as possible.
Divine Mercy Sunday Promises for Your Soul - Queen of Peace Media
Maria delos Angeles
Thank you for prayer.
English Catholic
@Maria delos Angeles I saw your comment made earlier to @Patricia McKeever I initially blocked you because of your behaviour on a previous thread, then you blocked me. Fine, but you totally ignored my request for you to stop using my username (either with or without the '@') to make snide comments about me on posts where I hadn't even mentioned you, like this thread. Let's just set some ground …More
@Maria delos Angeles I saw your comment made earlier to @Patricia McKeever I initially blocked you because of your behaviour on a previous thread, then you blocked me. Fine, but you totally ignored my request for you to stop using my username (either with or without the '@') to make snide comments about me on posts where I hadn't even mentioned you, like this thread. Let's just set some ground rules. I will totally ignore you, if you will totally ignore me. Your 'Divine Mercy' day which you had today obviously didn't do you a shred of good, because you're straight back on GTV immediately after, with your bile-filled comments. So much for 'Mercy'. If you wish to respond to one of my comments in future, don't drag me into arguments by using my username (with or without the '@') so you can make ad hominem attacks about me either to my face or behind my back. If you strongly disagree with a comment I have made elsewhere, then state your factual reasons for disagreeing with the comment and leave it at that (not say things like 'he is full of pride', which is an ad hominem attack). I will do the same. I would totally agree with you on one point you said to @Patricia McKeever 'Stop now, please'. For the sake of your own soul. PS By the way, I have been attending the London Oratory for about 25 years, and other places in London, so I know what's what in the London area, and many of the priests . . .
Patricia McKeever
@English Catholic Not only is @Maria delos Angeles making an ad hominem attack on you, she is judging your soul to state that you are "full of pride". It's different to warn someone of the danger or risk of falling into sin/pride, but to state that someone is "full of pride" is to make a judgement on that person's soul and that is prohibited. We are not permitted to do that - ever. I've now …More
@English Catholic Not only is @Maria delos Angeles making an ad hominem attack on you, she is judging your soul to state that you are "full of pride". It's different to warn someone of the danger or risk of falling into sin/pride, but to state that someone is "full of pride" is to make a judgement on that person's soul and that is prohibited. We are not permitted to do that - ever. I've now blocked this woman because it is too exhausting to try to correct so many errors in her thinking. I will keep her in my prayers, for what they are worth, and ask her, if she is reading this, to do the same for me.
Maria delos Angeles
Right, well, my spiritual director never mentioned I was 'communing with the dead' or forbad me from speaking to them outright. Arent the saints dead? Is praying to them a mortal sin? My spiritual director, being one of the priests at the venerable Oratory in London, whom I saw about 8 times in toto. What he did say was to not talk to them as a means of mortifying myself, not that it was mortally …More
Right, well, my spiritual director never mentioned I was 'communing with the dead' or forbad me from speaking to them outright. Arent the saints dead? Is praying to them a mortal sin? My spiritual director, being one of the priests at the venerable Oratory in London, whom I saw about 8 times in toto. What he did say was to not talk to them as a means of mortifying myself, not that it was mortally sinful. Some people have just a gift where they are sensitive to the movements of souls that have passed on, because they are spiritually sensitive. Does not mean I was out courting it necessarily or indulging in morbid curiosity or using occult rituals to summon souls.. Sometimes all it takes is just reading something written by someone or hearing or looking at , or hearing some piece of news, or even thinking about/researching something connected to them, being in a particular place connected to them, praying for the repose of their soul, and THEY are the ones who seem to tune into ME, rather than the other way around. You would be missing out in not listening to some of Marley's music, He is one recording artist who has either recorded or been transposed the most in 528Hz frequency. I am a trained musician, and so that is how I found out about it, then I found out about his connection to London where he once lived etc and I saw his Jesus-like quality, the transcendent quality in his music that unites. Far be it from me to think I would ever be interested in Reggae music and Rastafarianism, and somewhere I seemed to tune into some frequency where I felt his spirit in Eternity in a good sense, and its movements in relation to me and what I was doing at that moment etc. I clearly saw his soul was saved. This has happened to me numerous times with other souls, some of whom are well known. Does not make me a bad person, spiritually sensitive maybe? Also, perhaps his dying slowly from a wasting illness helped reconcile him to God, you do not know.
Patricia McKeever
@Maria delos Angeles What a dreadfully dangerous and presumptuous thing to say - that you "clearly saw his soul was saved." No point in the old Catholic tradition, then, of assuming the soul is in Purgatory and thus we ought to pray for that soul. Shocking.
And, frankly, I do not believe that any priest would either tolerate or encourage you (or anyone else) to commune with the dead, i.e. those …More
@Maria delos Angeles What a dreadfully dangerous and presumptuous thing to say - that you "clearly saw his soul was saved." No point in the old Catholic tradition, then, of assuming the soul is in Purgatory and thus we ought to pray for that soul. Shocking.

And, frankly, I do not believe that any priest would either tolerate or encourage you (or anyone else) to commune with the dead, i.e. those who have passed on but are not canonised. This is truly diabolical. We are strictly to pray for the deceased to be speedily taken from Purgatory (a great grace) to Heaven... Nothing else. With respect, you seem to speak of yourself as if you are some superior, privileged soul - goodness, is this the same person who spent a period of time (what was it - a year?) in Carmel? The hidden life? Suffering for souls? Jesus alone? There's not a saint in the Carmelite library who would condone what you are doing by communing with the dead and assuming any soul is "saved" - that is what the Protestants do. They will ask a fellow Christian "how long have you been saved?" That is NOT for ANYONE to judge. God alone... remember that from Carmel?

Reading your entire exchange with @English Catholic is very concerning. You appear to be very confused, and although I am loath to ever diagnose anyone's mental health (with the exception of the demented USA Joke Biden) I do wonder if you are suffering in that way, for which, if that is the case, my sincere sympathy and my humble suggestion that you avoid blogging.

Finally, but most importantly, I don't know any of the London Oratory priests but I do know that they have a wonderful reputation as solid priests so if word reaches them that you are publishing such obviously fake information about them, I think you may find yourself in some very serious trouble. This might be filed under "Take The Hint! 😉
Maria delos Angeles
So, according to you, where is this supposed link I have with the demonic coming from? I spend about 5 hours a day in prayer, pray the rosary every day, I rise by 4.30am most days, pray the divine Office every day in the old rite, do the First Saturdays, I strive to follow the Gospel and teachings of the Church.. have no serious link or attachment with sin in my life, do not take drugs... I have …More
So, according to you, where is this supposed link I have with the demonic coming from? I spend about 5 hours a day in prayer, pray the rosary every day, I rise by 4.30am most days, pray the divine Office every day in the old rite, do the First Saturdays, I strive to follow the Gospel and teachings of the Church.. have no serious link or attachment with sin in my life, do not take drugs... I have spent hundreds of hours at eucharistic adoration, at Mass.. For years. So where is this door to the demonic you are so convinced of coming from? Also, I am not in a convent any more, that was a stage in my journey. And how do you make an honest living working within the precincts of the institutional Church in this our day - which is thoroughly corrupt, without being in some way compromised? I went to a Carmel in a foreign country because none of the Carmels in the UK would have passed muster for my criteria and discernment. You are accusing me of lying about the priest at the oratory. I who have no other desire and intention but to serve the living God, who wants to harm and deceive no one, accusing me of being demonic and a liar. Never mind trying to insinuate something about my mental health. You will give an account of every idle word. For the record I think you and English Catholic should find something more constructive to do with your time than discuss me behind my back. I do not consider myself that important that you should want to discuss me. A catholic priest in Piccadilly told me in the confessional he spoke to his dead mum, I suppose that makes him sort of a miscreant in your view, conversing with his dead relative. Seriously.
Patricia McKeever
@Maria delos Angeles
Well, first up, I suggest you read Matthew 6:1 (among many other Scripture verses) warning about the danger of boasting about your "good deeds". Goodness, even in a foreign Carmel you would have been taught that it is a fault to speak with the other Sisters, apart from Prioress and Novice Mistress, about your spiritual life, your soul. That's because of the danger of pride …More
@Maria delos Angeles

Well, first up, I suggest you read Matthew 6:1 (among many other Scripture verses) warning about the danger of boasting about your "good deeds". Goodness, even in a foreign Carmel you would have been taught that it is a fault to speak with the other Sisters, apart from Prioress and Novice Mistress, about your spiritual life, your soul. That's because of the danger of pride building. So, take a look at the list you have posted here for our "edification" and be aware that - as Our Lord said about the Pharisees of His day: "You have had your reward"... (Matthew 6: 2,5)

You consider rightly when you admit there is no way that you are so important to me that I would want to discuss you with @English Catholic or anyone else. I consider you to be a real and present danger to souls, including your own.

As for the Piccadilly priest who allegedly spoke to his dead mother - odd that you keep coming across these weird priests. Again, I just don't believe you. And remember, the confessional is not there for you to go and chat with the priests or check if it's OK to commune with the dead (which it obviously is not) but for you to confess your sins which, according to you, you don't have, and I quote: " [I] have no serious link or attachment with sin in my life" so you don't even need to go to Confession regularly. Just wait for Easter Duties time and go once a year.

You ask me where the demoniac influence is coming from since you are such a good Catholic. Well, the fact is, if you really were saintly, you'd know the answer to that yourself.

Just stop the silliness. Pray without telling the world and ask for the grace of true discernment, which, sadly, you do not have. God bless.
Maria delos Angeles
Your reply is silly and shows a lack of context and understanding and ignorance of the Faith. Actually the priest in that confessional, was WELL loved, holy and devout as far as priests go.. I am quite weary of this conversation now. You have misunderstood my soul which saddens me. I think you need to look at your base premise which seems to me to be a reluctance to accept that God leads souls by …More
Your reply is silly and shows a lack of context and understanding and ignorance of the Faith. Actually the priest in that confessional, was WELL loved, holy and devout as far as priests go.. I am quite weary of this conversation now. You have misunderstood my soul which saddens me. I think you need to look at your base premise which seems to me to be a reluctance to accept that God leads souls by (even vastly) different paths. At the root of that is pride. Just because it has not happened to me or in my purview of experience it therefore cannot be true. I am not in a convent any more, did not talk about my soul to others sisters when I was there, except the Superior. Many of the saints wrote about the state of their souls and their supernatural phenomena , especially under obedience from a confessor or Superior albeit reluctantly. If you knew about the 1st Saturday devotion and the fact that Our Lady asked for it (AND especially if you believe Russia has not been validly consecrated) you would know it requires monthly confession. Stop now please.
English Catholic
@Maria delos Angeles Yes, I am proud to admit I have a very limited grasp on anything to do with Bob Marley, and am content to keep it that way. I don't care for reggae music, pop stars, and I have a very limited understanding of Rastafarianism, none of which is even a venial sin for a Catholic. I am well aware of my sins, faults and failings, as I'm sure my confessor is - but you don't even seem …More
@Maria delos Angeles Yes, I am proud to admit I have a very limited grasp on anything to do with Bob Marley, and am content to keep it that way. I don't care for reggae music, pop stars, and I have a very limited understanding of Rastafarianism, none of which is even a venial sin for a Catholic. I am well aware of my sins, faults and failings, as I'm sure my confessor is - but you don't even seem to be aware of yours as even being sins - you look upon them as 'gifts' - like communicating with others that have passed on. The Bible has a negative view of necromancy or attempts to communicate with the dead. In fact, all contact with the spirit world is expressly forbidden irrespective of the nature of the spirits concerned (Lv 19:26-31; Dt 18:10-11; Job 7:7-10; Is 8:18-20; Lk 16:19-31). Keep yourself in mind this Sunday, not me. As I said before, 'motes and beams'. Matthew 7:1-5 Being as I blocked you for your behaviour on another post, and then you blocked me, I don't know why you still bother to contact me, especially since I hadn't mentioned you in my original comment - because this means we both have to put the comments above, instead of below - each others'. Which makes it harder for people reading it to make sense of the exchange. If you wanted to comment, you could have commented. There was no need to mention my username, because you know I will always respond whenever you try to defame me.
Maria delos Angeles
@English Catholic you have a very limited grasp of what actually happened with Bob Marley and others that have passed on, as you seem to have a limited grasp on God's Mercy, perhaps I will hold you in mind this coming Sunday.
English Catholic
@Maria delos Angeles You need a priest to purify you from your communing with dead spirits Bob Marley: One Love's new trailer before you start on others. 'Motes and beams' comes to mind.
Maria delos Angeles
@English Catholic. God chooses whom He chooses, and it is not always who you think. Little children. You need to purify from your pride.
Maria delos Angeles
It is called the Gift of right judgement, of Counsel, which the Sacrament of Confirmation, that most forgotten of Sacraments confers, to apprehend a data set and work out and distinguish in REAL time what is the true Church from the false.
English Catholic
Scroll down to read about Mark Mallett: everydaychristianmarketing.co.uk No theological qualifications listed, just an "amazing Singer, Songwriter, Missionary (qualified?), Father, Husband and Brother". OK. Also co-hosts the website 'Countdown to the Kingdom' which promotes dubious and condemned apparitions.