
Carthusian Monastery Goes Green

The Carthusian monastery of St Hugh in Parkminster, West Sussex, England, has announced a huge investment to "protect the environment" and "respect the planet".

According to CartusiaLover.wordpress.com (8 May), 500 photovoltaic panels will be installed to supply their 240-acre site with supposedly 'free', 'clean' and 'silent' solar energy.

The Carthusians of Parkminster are also investing in a battery to store excess electricity for use when the panels are not generating.

Jason Lindfield, director of OHM Energy Solutions, said in a recent interview that the monks' system will pay for itself in less than seven years and seven months (sic).

The expected energy yield is 231,650 kWh with an annual saving of £27,196.

Picture: © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsDygyslsxxs

P. O'B
Will there be any monks left in seven years and seven months?
They must have got sick of chopping wood.
Sean Johnson
My goodness. They might as well quit and go get jobs.